Postpartum Depression Treatment in Plano, TX

Postpartum Depression, also known as Peripartum Depression, is a common mental health condition that affects many new mothers days, weeks, or months after giving birth. When symptoms start during pregnancy, the term used is Peripartum Depression. Symptoms can include feelings of sadness, anxiety, and guilt, and can interfere with a mother’s ability to care for herself during and after pregnancy, bond with her newborn, and care for her baby. 

Postpartum Depression can be differentiated from the “Baby Blues” by the timeline, and severity of symptoms. 

With the help of experienced mental health providers, Postpartum depression can be treated effectively, allowing mothers to recover and enjoy their new role as a parent. Our mental health clinic in Plano is experienced in diagnosing and treating Postpartum Depression using evidence-based approaches such as medication and therapy and helps mothers navigate this challenging time with the support they need.

What Is Peri, or Post partum Depression?

Peri/Post partum Depression is a form of depression that occurs specifically during pregnancy, or after childbirth.  This mental illness is very common and affects more than 800,000 women in the United States alone. Postpartum depression often makes it difficult to perform daily activities like self-care and infant care which may impact the bonding with the newborn. 

What Causes Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum Depression is caused by several factors. 

Family history of postpartum depression may increase the risk of postpartum depression.

After childbirth, women experience a dramatic change in hormone levels, which in turn lead to alteration of chemical balance in the brain. These chemical changes contribute to mood changes, like those experienced during a depressive episode. 

Sleep deprivation is another key contributor to peripartum depression. As the body undergoes stress during pregnancy and childbirth, it requires more rest. However, many new mothers find it difficult to accomplish this much-needed rest, due to the discomforts of various stages of pregnancy, and then the wake-sleep cycle of the newborn. Sleep deprivation may further exacerbate depressive symptoms. Another challenge is that insomnia could be the result of a depressive episode.

What Are The Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression may present with feelings of extreme sadness, exhaustion, and anxiety in women who are pregnant or recently gave birth (up to a year after).

Additional symptoms include:

  • Depressed mood or severe mood swings
  • Feeling very anxious and experiencing panic attacks
  • Crying more than usual or for no apparent reason
  • Feeling irritable, moody, or restless
  • Flashes of anger or rage
  • Extremely low energy
  • Changes in sleep habits – either too much or too little
  • Loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable
  • Isolation from friends and family
  • Difficulty in bonding with the newborn
  • Significant changes in eating habits – eating too much or too little
  • Doubt inability to care for the baby, and feeling that you’re not a good mother
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Feeling shame and guilt
  • Inability to concentrate, remember specific details, or make decisions
  • Thoughts of harming self or the baby (Often this may be a strong fear of harming your baby by accident, rather than wanting to harm your baby). 
  • Intrusive thoughts about death and/or suicide

What is Postpartum Psychosis?

Postpartum Psychosis is a more rare postpartum condition that can be severe and usually presents at the first week after birth. It requires immediate psychiatric intervention.

Symptoms include:

  • Confusion and blurred lines of what’s real and what’s not real
  • Obsessive thoughts about your baby
  • Hallucinations (hearing voices or seeing things that are not real or not likely experienced by others around you)
  • Delusions (false beliefs that could be paranoid, grandiose, spiritual or other)
  • Significant irritability that is out of proportion to the situation
  • Unusual energy and unusual activity
  • Attempts of harm to yourself or your baby. 

Postpartum Depression of the other parent

The other parent may also experience postpartum depression. Studies show that young age, history of depression, relational problems, and financial struggle are risk factors. Symptoms of postpartum depression of the other parent may look similar to the above list under postpartum depression and similarly can be treated with psychotherapy and medication.

Postpartum Depression (or Peripartum Depression) Treatment Options

Treatment for peripartum depression includes therapy, medication, or a combination of the two.

Evidence-based therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) are recommended. 

Medications such as antidepressants can help with mood and anxiety. If psychosis is present, antipsychotic medications can help resolve these symptoms. Your provider will inform you about treatment options and help you consider your health, and the health of your baby, during your pregnancy and if/while breastfeeding. 

If you have suicidal thoughts

If at any point you have thoughts of harming yourself or your baby, immediately seek help from your partner or loved ones in taking care of your baby. Go to the nearest emergency room, call 911 for emergency service, and help to safely go to the nearest emergency room, or 988 for the national crisis line. 

Also, consider these options if you’re having suicidal thoughts:

  • Seek help from a healthcare provider.
  • Call a mental health provider.
  • Contact a suicide hotline. In the U.S., call or text 988 to reach the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Or use the Lifeline Chat. Services are free and confidential. The Suicide & Crisis Lifeline in the U.S. has a Spanish language phone line at 1-888-628-9454 (toll-free).
  • Reach out to a close friend or loved one.
  • Contact a minister, spiritual leader, or someone else in your faith community.

Helping a friend or loved one

People with depression may not recognize or admit that they’re depressed. They may not be aware of the signs and symptoms of depression. If you suspect that a friend or loved one has postpartum depression or is developing postpartum psychosis, help them seek medical attention immediately. Don’t wait and hope for spontaneous improvement.

Schedule a Consultation

To speak with a board-certified mental health specialist in Plano, TX about the diagnosis or treatment of your Peripartum Depression (formerly known as Postpartum depression), please request an appointment today at (972) 905-1597.

Author picture

This content has been reviewed by board-certified psychiatrist Ran Friedman, MD.